Another major conference commemorating Prof. Dr. Fred Emery, who had created the Search Conference, was organized to provide a perspective during the design period.
Brinkley opened a convention center in 1996 which can seat up to 600 people; in February 2006 the center hosted a conference commemorating the second anniversary of the ivory-billed woodpecker's rediscovery.
In addition, from July 23-July 25, 2006, a three-day conference commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Chicago Freedom Movement was held at the center.
Brezhneva made a public comeback during Konstantin Chernenko's short rule, and she appeared in a conference commemorating International Women's Day.
Next week, at a scientific conference commemorating the anniversary, another study is to take the new shaking findings and estimate what the 1906 quake would wreak on the San Francisco Bay area in 2006.
In 2005 she gave a paper on Mormonism as a global religion at a conference commemorating Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, Jr., held at the Library of Congress.
Additionally, the site showcases a collection of rare photographs and pamphlets from the strike, video of a conference commemorating the 90th anniversary of the strike and curriculum for Washington State history teachers.
In 2006, Bogomolov turned 60; two major conferences commemorating his birthday were held - one at the University of Miami, and another in Moscow, Steklov Institute.
In 1988, she gave a speech at a conference commemorating the hundredth anniversary of Bukharin's birth given by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Communist Party Central Committee.
The show is one of many conferences, articles and performances commemorating the university's 250th anniversary.