The conference endorsed the goal of raising half the existing Least developed countries out of the LDC category by 2022.
The conference also endorsed the Helsinki process and international human rights covenants.
Lord Ashdown had yesterday claimed that the special conference had unanimously endorsed the coalition agreement.
In Isabella's case, however, not a single conference of Catholic bishops, including Spain's, has endorsed her cause.
And in November 2007 the ANC's special conference at Polokwane again endorsed the need for a single symbol for all sporting codes.
Among other things, the conference endorsed Catholics' taking a "preferential option for the poor," committing themselves primarily to serving the impoverished, a theme emphasized in liberation theology.
After the meeting Archbishop May emphasized that the bishops' conference does not endorse candidates.
While a conference of Native leaders endorsed the act, in practice the majority of Native Americans disapproved of it.
The conference enthusiastically endorsed the idea, and that date is generally accepted as the founding moment of YIVO.
The conference, generally following the blueprint of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, endorsed a package of seven resolutions.