The conferences, known as sidebars, have been held at virtually every jury trial for decades, but defendants were generally not included.
Kelvin Sampson, the Oklahoma coach, said the game would be a historic moment for a conference known as a football power.
Barton is a charter member of the conference, back known as the North State Conference.
A resolution was passed at this conference known as Bangkok Resolution.
The conference of the advertising agency association, known as the Four A's, is the 89th annual meeting of the organization.
These teams play in two conferences, known as the Coastal and the Interior.
This secret conference - known as the January conference - was attended by 23 individuals, formally representing 9 organizations.
In order to address these issues, a conference known as Kannada and computers was convened by the Government.
The conference, known by the acronym Unctad, was attended by more than 3,000 delegates.
Such conferences, known as sidebars, are common practice at jury trials.