The conference opened on 11 August 1636, in the presence of a large assembly.
And by early August, only weeks before the conference opened, all sides were still deadlocked.
But there are signs of potential political disputes even before the conference opens on Saturday.
Now, instead of being late, she had a few hours to spare before the conference opened.
The conference opened its first week with a 14-0 record, while holding all 14 opponents to 65 points or less.
A conference on constitutional reform opened on 1 March 1962.
The following day a conference opened in Geneva that eventually brought the war to an end.
Since the conference opened just three days ago it is difficult to comment on any of its results.
"Conferences always go smoothly when all the real work is done before the conference opens."
Three days before the conference opened, Hannah died, aged 67, of a heart attack.