One Olympic official confided privately and proudly Monday night that only favors seemed to be changing hands this time, not money.
They were rather taken aback sometimes at finding Rose's services preferred to their's, and privately confided to one another that "Old Mac was getting fond of being molly-coddled."
McCarthy refused to make an endorsement, although he privately confided to Humphrey that his supporters would not understand if he immediately showed his support.
But my shrewd grandmother had another interpretation, which she confided to me privately: 'Like an old woman knitting in the sun, General Gurza had used up his skein.
"But the list only shrinks by 15 a year," Mr. Pletnyov confides privately later, as if unwilling to share such an intimation of mortality with his neighbor.
By the end of 1937, Gilbert Murray himself, now committed to rearmament, was confiding privately: 'We are no longer a peace Party opposing a Jingo party.
I assume you confided in him privately that you wished to leave.
Mamiya instead offers his employee, Goto (Keiji Sada), as another match, but Ayako confides privately in Akiko that she has no wish of getting married.
"It is disaster to open a second front," the Admiral confided privately.
Tully said publicly that a drop-chute landing hurt his arches, but he confided privately to Saunders that he did not trust automatic machinery.