The client is one that Sorrel confidently believes won't cause any trouble.
I confidently believe that, snow blower or no, we're certainly ready for anything this winter can throw at us in the month of December!
Misinformation-knowledge a learner confidently believes to be correct, but which is actually incorrect.
The Head of the Secret Police came forward to greet what he confidently believed to be Major Grant.
Fundamentalists believe so confidently in the reality of their message and of the Jesus they preach that it is within the reach of the average person.
Fernando was defiant to the end, confidently believing that he would be remembered as a patriot, and refused a commutation of punishment.
His career in the butchery trade had provided him with all the basic skills, which he'd refined to an art, he confidently believed.
"I believe confidently that when we get to the constitutional question, I will prevail," Mr. Newsom said at a news conference.
They will relax their hunt, for they will confidently believe that we shall be turned back.
And for some time the old gentleman continued in this strain, confidently believing that he would have his daughter with him again by the time morning came.