During a recent group therapy session, his father said, he was asked his opinions on capital punishment and confidently explained his opposition to it.
Seated in the library, the Inspector listens to Dora's father confidently explain his wife's disappearance.
He confidently explains that he has a Perfectly good, logical, and rational reason for what he did.
The ability to confidently explain the condition to others may limit feelings of awkwardness and embarrassment and reduce negative social experiences.
Layden, confidently explaining, "this is the right man for the job."
Confidently and calmly explain your predicament and write down the person's description as soon as possible in case you decide to contact the police.
'It doesn't mean anything,' Kostoglotov explained confidently.
"You got to have two mentalities," he explains confidently.
"It's the mark of Daeva," Bheid explained confidently.
Steinway confidently explained to the press: "The fuel, petroleum, costs about one cent per hp and hour, making the automobile considerably less expensive than horse power.