This configuration allows moving the telescope in all six spatial degrees of freedom and also provides a strong structural integrity.
This configuration provides for indoor storage of forty-two full sized interurban cars.
"But my wife - " "Provide me her configuration, and we shall see how she fits into this picture."
This configuration also provides space for the front landing gear, which is mounted slightly off-center on the right side of the nose.
All configurations provided space for 180 lb (82 kg) of baggage.
This configuration provides a high-range horn while avoiding the additional complexity and weight of a triple.
This configuration provides a space or sandbox for a user to do his or her work.
In general, the configuration will usually provide higher measured distortion performance compared to high feedback amplifiers.
Such configuration provides high confidence in prediction of the element behaviour and failure.
This new configuration will provide more balanced access to the west and east sides of the city.