Tim Kieft, Amerada's project manager, said the results had confirmed the company's interpretation of three-dimensional seismic soundings.
Nor did he confirm his interpretation with anyone knowledgeable about the experiment before writing a denunciatory letter to the Argentine Government.
Connor didn't respond, confirming his father's interpretation without saying a word.
Around 1998, Winn and co-workers confirmed Verhoeff's interpretation of this reversal using experiments on different colored backgrounds.
Later multiple specimens of Microraptor confirmed Norell's interpretation.
As if to confirm his interpretation, she merely squeezed his hand, saying, "You won't regret helping me, Lenardo.
The European Court of Justice has confirmed our interpretation of the law.
Einstein wagged his tail to confirm Travis's interpretation.
Clarice, who had appeared on the other side in a reverse of her sister's position, confirmed her sister's interpretation, "that's just what it is."
Dr. Welch said his team had preliminary evidence from a similar gas-cloud region that seems to confirm their interpretation of star formation.