The weapons were intended for the conflicts fought over slavery in the Kansas Territory leading up to its induction into statehood.
The war was the bloodiest military conflict fought in South America during the 20th century.
Ultimately the conflicts fought by the Muang Tai Army claimed thousands of lives.
Members of the Corps have served in every armed conflict fought by the United States since 1876.
Called the Confrontation, this was mainly a low-level conflict fought in the jungles of Borneo.
Witness the Army's newly published manual for waging the kind of asymmetrical conflict now being fought in Iraq.
The American Revolution was a major historical conflict fought after print culture brought the rise of literacy.
Critics have pointed to two other conflicts fought before 2000 as counterexamples, depending on what one considers "a war":
The nature of the conflict fought in the 1370s was to be very different from that of earlier decades, and its effects more dramatic.
The book attempted to offer a more balanced account of the two conflicts fought between Britain and China in the mid-19th century.