The conflict here reflects different readings of the facts.
At a deeper level, the conflict reflects the profound shifts in Germany's view of itself since the end of the cold war.
"Kafir" was used as a label of religious separation, when in reality the conflict reflected larger political and cultural issues.
Not that the conflict reflects that well on Ukraine.
Memphis's scorn also reflects a broader generational conflict on the topic of resistance that came to a head in the 1960s.
The conflict reflected the growing confidence of the Kazakh state and its changing relationship with foreign investors.
That conflict reflects the larger debate in American society about individual freedom versus public order.
The conflicts some officers express reflect the culture of commander and subordinate that sometimes baffles the civilian world.
Such conflicts, some say, reflect a fundamental flaw in the board system, which crams too many neighborhoods into a single district.
The inner conflict and public debate reflect a swift transformation of the American family.