The conflict revolved around changing voice actors of the Mexican version of the show.
Dara's conflict with the siblings revolves around, and is aided by, an unusual sword.
The conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis revolves around the legitimacy of the above laws.
The conflict of the plot revolved around the character of Ramon.
The conflict of the plot revolves around the need to control the Lightstar Crystal.
Yet many analysts say the conflict really revolves around economic control in a country still struggling for its post-Soviet identity.
The conflict revolves around a question being addressed in other Western nations: should marijuana be legal, illegal - or something in between?
The central conflict of Homeworld 2 revolves around acquiring all three cores and unlocking their secrets.
Danny's plight is only the central drama around which several other conflicts revolve.
The minor conflicts revolve around Robin's Merry Men, for the most part.