The ongoing conflicts between the surviving band members spilled over to the 2008 Presidential campaign.
The conflict on land spilled into the sea lanes when Iraq was on the defensive.
That means that as the American military struggles to control the violence in central Iraq, a second conflict could spill across its northern border.
Yemen's internal conflicts could spill over its long, unguarded border with Saudi Arabia.
At worst, the conflict will spill beyond Bosnia's borders and draw other countries into a prolonged and bloody war.
The conflict between the two men spills into the real world in a decades-long feud, distorting reality and affecting the entire human race.
They were worried about where such a war would stop, what would happen in Kuwait, whether the conflict might spill into Iran.
As in Beirut, though on a smaller scale, the Middle East's conflicts spill over here.
He continued: "The conflict would sharpen and may spill out of Bosnia.
If the conflict spilled across the border, as many now fear, it could draw the region into a war.