He added that the conflict weakened the board's commitment to protect the fund.
However, not just Athens suffered - the conflict would significantly weaken the whole of Greece.
Armed conflicts between the new rival monarchs further weakened the country from the internal side.
In 1913 a conflict over money between the factory and the milkmen led to a strike and weakened the company.
Military conflicts severely weakened the kingdom and it was incorporated into the Tibetan Empire.
Ensuing conflicts over succession weakened the control of Benin's monarchy.
By the late 10th century internal conflicts had weakened the kingdom, and in 1018 Bulgaria fell under the rule of the Byzantine empire.
The conflicts weakened the Habsburgs relative to both the estates and the protestant interests.
It is believed the conflict may have weakened the Sefuwa dynasty and made it vulnerable to external attacks.
The same conflict weakened the ability of the French to aid the Scots in their battles.