The report will determine whether she violated the city's conflict-of-interest rules by using her office for personal gain.
Under the city's conflict-of-interest rules, community board members are not barred from "having an interest in a firm that may be affected by" the board's action.
The industry's conflict-of-interest rules prevent Andersen from going public, and the firm has always been reluctant to borrow heavily.
Nothing the former mayor has done appears to violate any formal conflict-of-interest rules.
Senators make $136,700 a year, and conflict-of-interest rules constrain their ability to earn outside income.
The defendants accused the 82-year-old senior judge of violating conflict-of-interest rules.
Because of conflict-of-interest rules, a Public Defender's office can generally represent only one defendant in a case.
Energy Department officials said that none of the officials had violated any conflict-of-interest rules.
Do you think there need to be new conflict-of-interest rules?
There are no conflict-of-interest rules restricting the business affairs of party chairmen.