The fact that the association was homogeneous across populations also provides a strong argument against a possible confounding effect of population heterogeneity.
Despite the confounding effects of the weather, at least one trend remained unmistakable: the manufacturing sector continued to lose jobs.
Careful examination and site selection helps to limit some confounding effects, for example picking sites undisturbed by modern man.
In this study, potential environmental confounding effects were controlled for by cross-fostering chicks.
Measurements above the atmosphere are needed to determine variations in solar output, to avoid the confounding effects of changes within the atmosphere.
This avoids the potential confounding effect of the target disease on the marker.
Most of them did not control for a possible confounding effect of H pylori infection.
We were not able to adjust for the possible confounding effect of body weight as this information has not been collected.
But Dr. Barnard says that the findings can be subject to what is known in science as a "confounding effect."
He added that the investigators had tried to control for such confounding effects.