Washington is pressing him to at least confront Hamas, if not disarm it.
It is already visible in the debate over "confronting" Hamas - with Palestinians feeling this means persuasion, the Israelis that it means physical destruction.
But Mr. Arafat, fearful of confronting Hamas or starting a Palestinian civil war, has tended to try to co-opt the radicals rather than defeat them.
But Mr. Abbas is too weak to confront Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Some Defense Department officials argue for broadening the antiterror war by confronting Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and others - in effect, leading a global war against politically inspired violence.
For months Mr. Arafat had resisted Israeli demands that he confront and disarm Hamas in his territory; he insisted that the movement could be pacified by drawing it into Palestinian politics.
Mr. Abbas had been hoping that the cease-fire would permit him to escape the difficult step of confronting Hamas and other radical groups.
Israel would also like to confront Hamas with the responsibility for governing Gaza - providing jobs and food and security.
Sooner or later, those voices argue, Israel will have to confront Hamas in a serious way inside Gaza, especially since Fatah is failing to do so.
Palestinian leaders allied with Mr. Arafat will claim that to confront Hamas and others they need to be able to show the people what will be gained.