Jessica confronts Nathan about not killing Mr. Linderman when he had the chance.
She tells David and they confront Nathan who loses his temper, and Leyla throws water over him to cool down.
Ryan then plays the recording to Maisie and she angrily confronts Nathan.
Confronting Nathan, Maisie accuses him of killing their father and framing Ryan.
Later, Niki, who has managed to gain control once again, confronts Nathan in his room and confesses everything to him.
She confronts Nathan, and he tells her girls get hold of his phone number all the time and it was nothing.
Later, Simone confronts Nathan, telling him to reveal Peter's condition as well as the powers of others, in order to get help.
Kerri turned around and confronted Nathan with an exasperated sigh.
He returns to Palmyra and confronts Nathan.
Lydia confronts Nathan, asking him who he loves more, her or the new gospel.