Balzic confronts members of the Conemaugh Foundation, a clandestine organization out to seize control of Rocksburg.
Fahrenheit 9/11 also used footage of Moore confronting various members of Congress, encouraging them to enlist their own children to fight in Iraq.
Max confronts members of the Diamond gang who reveal they have been told his secrets by someone who survived Plutonian's destruction of Sky City.
Responding to the president's statements, Democrats challenged Mr. Bush to confront members of his own party who have resisted loosening immigration restrictions, as he proposes.
But Serbian leaders stressed that this would be difficult if they were put under greater pressure to confront members of the Milosevic-era security services without rewards for compliance.
Throughout the series' run, she would confront members of her family.
A team of Department of Agriculture investigators confronted high-ranking members of Saddam Hussein's Government with some of these accusations that same month.
Mrs. Brenneman said she, too, confronted members of the group after they punched her son while he was walking home from the park last month.
Primevil ends up confronting several members of the Freex team who are attempting to acquire the Windsword key from the underside of the Godwheel.
During the war with Iran, the party began to confront members who were of non-Arab, especially Iranian origins.