In a final interview with Anthony, a deadly confrontation erupts and all that remains is a broken camera and this footage.
The confrontation erupted in mid May.
The Swedish police had no previous experience of wildcat marches, and on several occasions minor violent confrontations erupted.
The confrontation between General Vargas and the President erupted last March.
During the takeover, a violent confrontation erupts on board the largest ship of the flotilla.
The day after the visit, violent confrontations erupt between Muslims and Israeli Police.
The standard talk show fare droned on for a while when a confrontation erupted from an unexpected corner.
On 12 August 12, confrontation erupted.
During the strike, a particularly violent confrontation erupted between private militia hired by mine owners and striking workers, now known as the Ludlow Massacre.
Violent confrontations between town and gown erupted on a recurring basis.