It's a weird mix of Piplings and the commentry which I think will confuse younger viewers.
They filmed alternative endings to confuse viewers and added they had been "mischievous" in doing so.
He adds, "The fact that you can walk on Andre's sculptures still confuses viewers."
This resulted in Granada placing an endcap with a copyright date of 1978 which might have confused viewers who didn't realise it was actually produced nine years earlier.
This process may also include editing references that might confuse viewers who are unfamiliar with Japanese culture.
Gorosaurus was also given Baragon's special burrowing ability and even his signature roar to further confuse viewers.
The couple did not go public with their relationship until he left the show in 1988, fearing their real-life romance would confuse viewers.
She said pacesetters can confuse viewers and spectators and, she believes, inhibit the spirit of competition.
This idea was abandoned after many affiliates protested, citing that the rebranding might confuse viewers and result in ratings declines.
A new name, some executives worry, could be risky, as a switch could confuse viewers.