She turned back, dazed, feeling as if she were trying to fight her way out of a confused and frightening dream.
That night, awakening from confused dreams, he heard footsteps dying away in the corridor outside of his cell.
Could a single confused dream destroy all she had strived to achieve?
It seemed that I had newly awakened from a confused and exciting dream.
His dreams of her after he got back to the island were confused dreams.
Michael woke with a start from a confused dream, tried to sit up, and his head instantly crashed against the coffin lid.
For the third afternoon, he woke in a rush, this time out of a confused dream of flying, fire, and death.
Ellie Borden woke suddenly out of a long confused dream.
Everything about the setting said that something more than confused dreams had occurred since our last meeting.
A confused and disturbing dream melted away as he became aware of his surroundings.