Often, he said, the result was products that were not only too small but laden with a confusing array of buttons.
At this point, a confusing array of 5S products popped onto the screen.
A disembodied voice, giving a possibly confusing array of options to some, especially to someone in an emergency, could create real problems.
The loans come in a confusing array, but they are much simpler than they sound.
Most people need to gather their wits, talk to the experts and get up to speed on a confusing array of medical terms.
"With all this confusing array of information out there, you won't find quality answers to your questions if we keep going down this path."
The debate over how to cut the military budget has been complicated by a confusing array of numbers and budgetary terms.
A confusing array of testing policies has already been proposed.
The trans-Atlantic traveler is now faced with a confusing array of options.
Women also face a confusing array of pressures and options.