I had a confusing image of meat and viscera, and other bodies crowding close.
The wide diversity of wares presented an accurate, if confusing, image of the state of contemporary furniture design.
If you don't like looking at extremely confusing images, or are in any way sensitive about sheep dressed up as women, please do not click this link.
The entire day had been vastly eventful, and his mind was filled with a welter of confusing images.
A rippling blue-grey light flashed, jarring a confusing image of the room across her eyes.
Some of these guys can also present a confusing image to the babes.
My mind held on to a very confusing image.
He felt a little woozy, and there were a lot of confusing images, one on top of another, after that.
Allart fought to dismiss the unwelcome, confusing images until some rational choice could be made among them.
We're still confusing image and reality.