Therizinosaurs had a very distinctive, often confusing set of characteristics.
At the end of the day that began here with the shooting, the police and officials offered a confusing and conflicting set of explanations.
A normally fast-paced team may be forced to slow down to break Tennessee's array of confusing defensive sets.
Think of the confusing set of signals Ewing has received nearly everywhere he has lived.
There comes a point in every great mystery when a confusing set of clues begins to narrow.
Instead, a confusing set of verbal and written orders had supplanted the Geneva Conventions.
This approach would ignore the district court's confusing and internally contradictory set of opinions and have the parties start essentially from scratch.
Markov's reply was slower, "I will need a few days to create a suitably confusing set of signals."
"It was quite a confusing set of figures."
This all resulted in a rather confusing set without much continuity.