Campaign finance is an arcane and confusing subject, filled with unspoken understandings.
To read it is to galvanize your thinking and for better or worse to get your bearings on an often confusing subject.
The question is, how do you take a boring and confusing subject and teach it to kids?
As commentators above have said, Special Educational Needs is a complex and often confusing subject.
Well, let's move on to a less confusing subject.
Useful contacts Automatic enrolment can be a confusing subject.
These factors all make age of consent an often confusing subject, and a topic of highly charged debates.
Human society is rife with examples of individuals helping each other, but they can be a confusing and contentious subject for evolutionary biologists.
Both books also introduced the general reader to dependable information about what was a shadowy and confusing subject.
For some, apparently, steroids remain a confusing subject.