His chronically poor health led to his doctor's suggesting he emigrate to a more congenial climate.
Telling myself they were probably on an ostrich hunt, I sat down on the hood of my car and glumly watched a formation of geese fly by on their way to a more congenial climate.
My country is full of distinctions of this kind, and in the congenial climate of Oxford they flourish to form a semantic jungle through which only the natives can make their way.
He went back to Edinburgh - to a climate more congenial to his cold stony soul, I imagine!
Failing health ultimately constrained him to relinquish the attempt and to seek (in 1827) a more congenial climate in Mexico.
The congenial climate, prospects of meeting military requisites and close proximity to the Jammu and Kashmir state led to the genesis of Sialkot Cantt.
Indeed; he knew better than any one else at Haarlem or Leyden - the two towns which boast the best soil and the most congenial climate - how to vary the colours, to modify the shape, and to produce new species.
However he was transferred to National City, California, in hope that the more congenial climate would help him to recover.
Suffering, however, from asthma, he sought a more congenial climate and moved to Charleston, South Carolina, where he succeeded Jeremiah Theus (d. May 18, 1774) as the popular portrait painter of South Carolina.
By 1929, several of the children were approaching the age to attend university and the family sought to move somewhere of a more congenial educational climate than Spain.