I should be a great Brute, if I had not provided for him in the manner most congenial to his own feelings, and to mine.
Admiral Wilkerson was a spare, elderly woman with a tight bun of fading coral-red hair and a brisk but congenial manner.
The Host must present a friendly demeanor and be willing and able to communicate with a wide variety of visitors, in a professional and congenial manner.
But despite his many accomplishments and his congenial manner, Rhodes is an outsider.
"I find a more congenial manner instills both trust and respect."
You are to study a more congenial manner for my return, or I warn you, you will find your privileges curtailed and your duties increased.
Tiltfelt's confiding and congenial manner was almost as confusing to him as the Ukrainian's earlier question.
Getting a collection of songs this disparate to stick together must have been tricky, but Mr. Meglioranza's handsome sound and congenial manner provided the necessary glue.
Foran was considered an "old school statesman" and "an imposing figure" (hence the nickname "Moose"), who had "a congenial and persuasive manner and a quick mind."
His professional reputation is matched by his warm and congenial manner with colleagues.