Most Presidents find foreign affairs a more congenial place to invest their energy.
I can imagine a more congenial place to do archaeological field work, though.
It was the most congenial place he had ever seen.
But at peak moments the wait for a table was only about 20 minutes, and the attractive bar is a congenial place.
Whatever you choose, it's a congenial place for a drink and some knowing eye contact.
Residents are provided with free room and board as well as a congenial place in which to work.
Had it made the world a more congenial place for American interests and aspirations?
"Let us discuss it in a congenial place," Duncan said.
They are warm, safe, congenial places to gather for conversation, music and company.
I could have picked a thousand more congenial places for the meeting but the major's son had been insistent on this.