For pristine seafood in a simple and congenial setting, Tatany is hard to beat.
This situation has created a very congenial setting for pelagic or open water fishing, close to the coastline of the country.
This club was created to enable people to enjoy these sports in a congenial setting.
With its many memorable dishes and congenial setting, Moreno should be in for a long stay.
Wheeler Robinson believed that Oxford was a more congenial setting than London for a college.
She wanted to suggest that if the case was hopeless, the couple should move to a place where they would find the setting and company more congenial.
The reason is easy to understand: pristine seafood in a simple and congenial setting.
Ranchers could consolidate their herds in more congenial settings.
But even in the midst of that conflict, a few soldiers found the setting so congenial that they later returned as students.
Was this a congenial setting for experiments in group telepathy?