This disease also is related to deficiency of zinc due to congenital causes.
Kraepelin had no evidence or explanation suggesting a congenital cause, and his assumption therefore appears to have been simple 'biologism'.
The occurrence of bilateral incidence and trigger thumbs in both children of twins are an indication for a congenital cause.
For these reasons it was assumed that trigger thumbs in children are to be of congenital cause.
The main indications for dynamic smile reconstruction are unilateral or bilateral facial paralysis due to acquired and congenital causes.
The most common congenital cause is the Moebius syndrome.
Although congenital causes of tricuspid insufficiency exist, most cases are due to dilation of the right ventricle.
DiGeorge syndrome is the most common congenital cause of thymic aplasia in humans.
Bronchiectasis has both congenital and acquired causes, with the latter more frequent.
But sensorineural has both congenital and acquired causes.