The largest portion of the project is congestion relief with $2.6 billion allocated.
"This proposal offers congestion relief in theory," he said, "but we want to see whether it actually delivers on its promises in practice."
The 91 Express Lanes was born from the need for congestion relief on the 91 Freeway when no public funds were available to solve this critical transportation problem.
The concept was unique - the private sector would take the risk and the State would get congestion relief at no cost to taxpayers.
"The purpose of the widening project was congestion relief."
The 2011 route utilisation strategy, which examined options for congestion relief at Herne Hill before 2031, did not suggest grade-separation as an option in the 2011-2031 period.
Unless it becomes likely that very large number of Americans will switch to motorcycles, they will offer no measurable congestion relief even with lane splitting.
Coliseum Boulevard briefly provided congestion relief to Fort Wayne, but massive commercial and retail development along the bypass brought a resurgence of congestion in the 1960s.
Those who criticize the concepts claim that the lanes provide congestion relief to the motorists of a higher socioeconomic class.
In addition, the Whitestone Bridge was to provide congestion relief to the Triborough Bridge.