It is owned and managed by the religious congregation known as the Dominican Sisters of the Trinity.
Today the church claims just over 186,000 members across the United Kingdom, in over 330 local congregations, known as 'wards' or 'branches'.
This would become a congregation known as the Apostolic Union of Secular Priests.
They will now be part of a merged congregation known as the Reformed Church of The Tarrytowns.
The congregation, later known as Vanderburgh Presbyterian Church, continued at that location for decades, and a house of worship is found there still.
In 1939-40 several members broke away and formed their own congregation, later known as the Adass Israel Congregation.
Several towns have a congregation known as the High Kirk which were never pre-Reformation cathedrals.
It is repositioning itself as a congregation known as diverse and innovative.
For Sunday services, the church is grouped into either larger ( 200 to 400 people) congregations known as wards, or smaller congregations known as branches.
Believers are organized in temple-based congregations known as Hokkekō.