This music (which was wholly religious) was taught for congregational participation during Church services.
He told one magazine interviewer, "Service players create something meaningful and artistic by providing leadership in the liturgy as well as congregational participation in worship".
The Baptists offered congregational participation to slaves and approved them and free blacks as preachers, leading to the growth in black membership in the church.
Criticisms include Gary Parrett's concern that the volume of this music drowns out congregational participation, and therefore makes it a performance.
When editors choose a text for the planned collection, it may already be paired to a tune that supports its meaning, catches its spirit, and allows for congregational participation.
Alternative Worship usually refers to an approach to Christian worship and worship planning that emphasizes decentralized leadership, congregational participation, multi-sensory experience, ritual and narrative form.
Some churches leave much of the action to the minister, while others encourage great congregational participation.
This edition of the service book provided for still greater congregational participation.
Many people actually prefer the back service, which is led by a guest rabbi with lots of congregational participation.
The Promised Land (On Jordan's Stormy Banks), Chorale Prelude for organ, with optional congregational participation (1977)