Roberts here observed the potential problems of the "pew system" in which wealthy families could purchase and/or rent pews for congregational worship.
Currently, congregational worship takes place at appointed hours in the worship centres of Ayyavazhi.
They commonly provide distinct spaces respectively for congregational worship, and for the choir offices of their clerical community.
Other donations have been in the form of real property upon which facilities were erected for congregational worship and program.
However, he adapted the style for the form of congregational worship employed by the Presbyterian denomination.
Christian sanctuaries are often oriented for congregational worship at an altar facing East.
Duties of an officiant leading congregational worship vary among denominations.
In the 1980s, re-ordering of the church took place including adding a free-standing altar to allow more intimate congregational worship.
In his composition, Hoffman sought to create songs for congregational worship.
During the 20th century, this hymn was not widely used in congregational worship.