I should also point out that our activities in this area started long before the advent of any Congressional criticism.
But the President, who came under some Congressional criticism for the fire, said he would order an investigation of the operations.
Since then, Congressional criticism of the bailout's management, structure and above all, its cost, has only grown louder.
The agency's handling of intelligence on biological weapons has also drawn Congressional criticism.
In response to the Congressional criticism in the fall, the immigration service took steps intended to correct the problem.
Indeed, the pledges may still Congressional criticism that the allies have not been sharing the war burden.
From this glowing description you might not expect this program to be a target of Congressional criticism, but it is.
The Administration rescinded that directive after strong Congressional criticism earlier this year.
During his administration at Amtrak, Gunn was the subject of congressional criticism.
And to head off Congressional criticism, Boeing also announced that it would not take the settlement as a tax deduction.