Walker shot back that in those instances, there were clear, Congressionally created common carrier rules accompanying these statements.
As another example of our decision to voluntarily comply with congressionally created management reforms and to "lead by example," GAO issued in March its firstever accountability report.
Mr. Schepens, the Energy Department official, pointed out that a Congressionally created independent body, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, monitored Hanford.
The university acknowledges that it "is a congressionally created corporation that serves governmental objectives."
As a Congressionally created organization, Fannie Mae enjoys benefits that other public companies do not have, including an implicit financial guarantee from the Treasury and an exemption from local taxes.
A Congressionally created commission on Monday will propose the most comprehensive changes ever in the criminal sentencing system used by Federal courts, including the end of parole.
They had been brought here by the National Endowment for Democracy, a Congressionally created body that gives money to groups working to advance democratic institutions.
The Justice Department today urged a Congressionally created panel to issue guidelines that would restore the death penalty for certain Federal crimes, including treason, espionage and assassination of a President.
The number of inmates in Federal prisons would rise substantially under a new set of sentencing guidelines issued today by a Congressionally created commission.
In 1990, Mr. Carroll put in another urgent request for help, on the eve of a new, Congressionally created program that gave immigrants from El Salvador temporary legal status.