The Bus was perched at the flat top of a conical hill.
(23) To the right of the line there was a tall conical hill with a slightly flattened top.
She considered that, looking at the conical hills.
Here and there the land rose to small conical hills, some crested with pines or oaks.
The Little People's homes are often described as conical hills.
The town is built on the summit of a 310 m high conical hill or monticule.
Baratieri and staff, with the banner of Italy, occupied the high conical hill.
The heart chakra, for example, has been seen in terms of a river curving around a conical hill with a church.
On the road south toward Hebron, you will see a strange conical hill off to the east.
It stands on a conical hill, about 200 meters high.