Humans use the great conical pit as a toilet and garbage service and mortuary.
An unusually large and intensively deep stratified conical pit was recovered, but so massive that the entirety of its expansion could not be determined.
Spine branches migrated west along the branch, carrying whatever their foliage had picked up from the wind, to be swallowed by the conical pit.
He was standing at the bottom of a conical pit, whose floor was the base of the cone.
Gaa nodded toward two six-foot round tunnels that opened into opposite sides of the conical pit, just above the floor.
The spine branches migrated slowly forward, west along the branch, until gradually all was swallowed into the great conical pit.
These conical pits are usually of micrometer dimensions and can be observed with an optical microscope.
Clusters of black conical pits each the size of a boy were attitude jets.
Henry Bedrosian balanced above the conical pit his jets had dug.
They were standing on the slope of a roughly conical pit.