In twenty-first century, the port of Nanjing will play a more important role that connects China to the outside world.
During the time of archaic globalization there were three major trade routes which connected Europe, China and the Middle East.
The name reflected Tongg's vision of a trans-oceanic airline connecting California, Hawaii, and China.
It connected China and the Russian Far East.
Feasibility and engineering studies to connect China with Gwadar through pipeline and railway track has already begun.
The Karakoram Highway is a road that connects China and Pakistan.
It would obviously be very expensive to connect western China to the east by building new railroads or highways.
Its location makes it a major transportation and business hub, connecting central China with the south, especially Hong Kong and Macau.
In that period, direct routes connected the Middle East and China.
Another corridor to be included will connect China to Korea, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan.