Connect your suppliers and customers to the system.
Connects customers with customers to improve product adoption, satisfaction, etc.
Insweb does not sell insurance directly on the Web but connects customers to an agent.
The company owns virtual telephone numbers that connect customers to the Ottawa call center when they dial a number in their local area code.
Instead, vendors connect customers with third-party lenders or sell the leases to third parties after arranging them.
The button connects customers by voice to operators who also handle distribution for the Web site.
Using leased Nynex lines, the company sets up a switching system that connects customers to a central hub.
We spent $200,000 for equipment, including modems, routers and hubs, the gear used to connect customers to the Internet.
It connects customers with insurance agents via its matching system.
Given the high rate of reported click fraud, Pay-per-call is believed to be a better solution to connect potential customers to advertisers.