On the oceans, we'll connect information and weapons in new ways, maximizing our ability to project power over land.
These initiatives, plus the e-brary purchase, are all in fulfillment of the company's mission "to connect people and information."
To "create tools for connecting the individuals, information, and organizations that create change."
The 4Projects collaboration solution has a suite of products designed to connect people, information and processes.
Does the instruction show students how to connect historical information they're learning to their personal experiences and to explore how past events affect their lives?
This network provides opportunity to (physical) therapists to connect and share information.
Through the use of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, people can easily connect and spread information.
Geographic media (i.e. geo-media) are especially important for attaching meaning as they clearly connect location, information and visualization.
Connects information together into a meaningful information ecosystem using the model of the Web, and provides low-barrier social tools.
Based on a discrepancy in one given area, It should be able connect relevant information from various sources.