Typically, leased lines are used by businesses to connect geographically distant offices.
Trunks are those lines that connect central offices.
The complex connects offices, the hotel, retail specialty shops, restaurants, a jazz club, and a movie theatre.
Open radio channels connecting uptown offices with the Financial Center squawked and chattered endlessly.
Frame relay is a data networking technology used by many companies to connect offices in different cities.
IT'S the bottleneck that bedevils businesses everywhere: the "last mile" of wire connecting offices to a phone company's switching station.
A medium sized business needing a secure way to connect several offices will find this a good choice.
Large companies now order all the circuits and services for their private networks, which connect offices on different continents, from one or more long-distance companies.
Mr. Roberts described beaming things like medical images between hospitals, video training materials for corporations and high-speed data links to connect far-flung offices of a company.
There was already one digital pipeline that joined the agencies (though it had its own limitations): Intelink, which connects most offices in each intelligence agency.