They can even be worn without connecting them to an audio source, for peace and quiet midair.
Arthroscopy is done with a thin tube connected to a light source through a small surgical incision.
They will need no skin-penetrating wire or air hose connected to an external source of power.
If connected to a source of power it can also provide active AC power.
The bottom is connected by rubber tubing to a source of illuminating gas.
The endotracheal tube has a fitting designed to be connected to a source of pressurized gas such as oxygen.
An exposed banana plug can present a shock hazard if connected to an energized source.
Twofers are used to connect two devices to a single source.
Brown noticed that there was a force exerted by the tube when it was connected to a high-voltage source.
They then connected the light bulb to a source of potential, and ran it up till the bulb was glowing at the greatest safe temperature.