The Cages formed a long connected line facing west.
Thin stairs, which only one man could ascend at a time, connected lines of tortuous corridors.
Olivia moved closer to look over Stephen's shoulder at the multitude of connected lines.
Several expansions since 1954 have more than quadrupled the area served, adding two new connected lines and a shorter intermediate capacity transit system.
At the time, Nigeria had about 500,000 connected lines for a population of over 108 million.
The threads separated into a spray of loosely connected lines, fading even as Alucius watched.
"Things that should come up in piano lessons but often don't: breathing, phrasing, legato, making a connected line."
Held in place by stanchions, metal pipes began to appear in connected lines along the walls of the passageway.
Today the railway consists of three connected lines:
The scout took a stick and carefully drew a series of connected lines.