It allowed one central system to distribute jobs to multiple connected systems.
Offers steps to be taken to create a connected nationwide system of health information.
The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in the skull.
From the multicompetence perspective, the different languages a person speaks are seen as one connected system, rather than each language being a separate system.
The F-15 has the same connected system as the A-10 seat.
If that is not the case, however, it is imperative that hazards be eliminated as they can have an effect on other connected systems.
Often, pairs of connected systems or system components have multiple interfaces between them.
Modern Operations Room equipment is built up from many connected embedded systems.
A common tool used to explain the various different but connected systems related to achieving process safety is described by the Swiss cheese model.
A machine with moving parts can, mathematically, be treated as a connected system of bodies, whose kinetic energies are simply summed.