Well then, the least they should understand is that they are a conquered nation.
They weren't just extracting tribute and sacrificial victims, they were establishing a centralized government with rigid control over the governments of conquered nations.
Like many a conquered nation, he now felt rather nostalgic for her rule, though profoundly glad to be free of it.
They treat the other people of their empire and their vassal states with increasing contempt while harsher taxation awaits the conquered nations.
A conquered nation should not know anything from its past that would inculcate self esteem and self pride.
Additional nations can be gained through alliance, conquest, or by liberating a conquered nation.
The Nuremberg trials, though public, were essentially military trials in a conquered nation under military administration.
They're a conquered nation.
Then he told me of a conquered nation, and a commander yet to come.
Every other conquered nation has given us the same facility.