The individual is denied even the opportunity to break the law on conscientious grounds.
Though offered preferment in the Church of England, he declined it on conscientious grounds.
He refused, on conscientious grounds, a promotion to the wealthy See of Malaga, and withdrew to his native place.
These regulations provided that either a teacher or student who has conscientious ground for objecting to the religious observances may be excused from them.
He was forced to leave Liverpool when he refused on conscientious grounds to be conscripted as an Army doctor.
While he was at Brentwood he opted out of the compulsory CCF (combined cadet force) on conscientious grounds.
He was frequently at variance with Archbishop Laud, and in 1640 refused on conscientious grounds to sign the seventeen Articles drawn up by the Archbishop.
I believe that a refusal on conscientious grounds to serve in the army when called up, if carried out by 50,000 men at the same moment, would be irresistible.
In my opinion, refusing military service on conscientious grounds has to be accepted and must not be regarded as a crime.
Unarmed service would also be officially allowed henceforth on conscientious grounds.