He's done nothing wrong and you're lucky to have such a conscientious officer.
However, what was initially a facade as an active and conscientious naval officer has actually become real over the course of the novels.
He was an overly conscientious officer, at the pinnacle of his profession, who had suffered a breakdown due to overwork.
He was still interested in protecting and helping people, an attitude that often eroded in even the most conscientious officers once they burned out.
Smith called him 'one of the most conscientious and hard-working officers I've ever met'.
Thor, no conscientious officer lets himself be relieved until his board is all green.
Down below, a few of the more conscientious officers were signing off before heading home.
Christopher," said Wolkowicz, "you're a conscientious officer, everybody knows that.
He knew Kenny for a conscientious officer, and, some said, a hard man.
Many conscientious Japanese officers protested these conditions, but Tokyo ignored them and consequently they fell silent.