He later served in Vietnam as a medic after winning conscientious-objector status.
They opened it, and discovered that their son had applied for conscientious-objector status.
A religious man, Alvin York was drafted into the Army in 1917 after being denied conscientious-objector status.
For a time, as if to drive home its conscientious-objector status, Hydra Head even used the slogan "Thinking Man's Metal."
His application for conscientious-objector status was under review by his draft board when the lottery system was instituted in 1969.
A group of former soldiers who succeeded in achieving conscientious-objector status has created a Web site, www.peace-out.com, showing people how to apply.
Although available Pentagon records date back only a few years, they show a rise in applications for conscientious-objector status.
By late 1968 due to his growing opposition to the Vietnam War he requested conscientious-objector status, which was denied.
After charges were brought, Sergeant Benderman's application for conscientious-objector status was denied.
At a news conference in Oakland, Calif., last month, two Army reservists whose unit has not been activated announced their applications for conscientious-objector status.